Book Id: 38730 Autograph letter signed to an unnamed colleague. Paul Broca.
Autograph letter signed to an unnamed colleague.

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed colleague.

Publisher Information: 1867. Broca, Paul (1824-80). A.L.s. to an unidentified colleague ("Cher et savant confrere"), dated 15 Feb. 1867. 3pp. 128 x 102 mm. Creased horizontally, mounted. Accompanied by a halftone reproduction of a photographic portrait of Broca. Book Id: 38730

Correcting a misunderstanding that had arisen during a conversation about Broca's Traite des tumeurs (1866-69):

"Je serais desole qu'il restait dans votre esprit le moindre doute sur la nature de notre conversation d'aujourd'hui. Vous vous souvenez sans doute qu'en abordant je vous ai remercie de votre article, puis que je suis alle chercher le livre que je voulais consulter, et qu'enfin, a mon retour, vous retrouvant avec notre ami commun M. R, j'ai repris langue avec vous et que c'est vous qui avez bien voulu remettre la conversation sur mon traite du tumeur. C'est alors que, me souvenant des reproches que m'avait jadis adresse M. R sur mon ardeur trop passionnee pour le [---], j'ai fait allusion au jugement inverse que vous aviez recemment porte sur moi, avec une bienveillance Ègale a la sienne. Dans cette conversation, j'ai parle comme je pensais, suivant mon habitude, mais je suis certes bien loin d'avoir eu l'intention de vous demander une rectification quelconque. Or, votre obligeante lettre de ce soir me fais craindre que vous m'ayez attribue cette pensee, qui n'etait certainement pas dans mon esprit.

[I would be sorry if there remained in your mind the least doubt about the nature of our conversation today. You undoubtedly remember that when I met you I thanked you for your article, then went to look for the book that I wanted to consult, and that finally, finding you with our mutual friend M. Raige [?], I began talking with you again and that it was you who agreed to postpone the conversation on my treatise on tumors. At this point in time, remembering that M. Raige had formerly reproached me on my excessive enthusiasm for [---], I referred to the opposing judgment that you had recently so kindly related to me. In this conversation I spoke as I thought, as is my practice, but I am certainly far from intending to ask you for an unspecified correction. However, your kind letter of this evening makes me fear that you attributed this thought to me, which was certainly not in my mind.]

Broca is best known for his contributions to neurology, including his role in the discovery of cortical localization in the brain, as well as for his pioneering work in physical anthropology. However, he also wrote extensively on pathology during the early part of his scientific career.


Price: $650.00

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